Country Crossword

  1. 3. The longest river in the world (the Nile) runs through this country
  2. 5. is made up of 6,852 islands.
  3. 7. The shamrock is the symbol for this country
  4. 8. The country's name means "Land of the Pure"
  5. 10. is the 14th largest country by land area.
  6. 11. The fourth largest island in the world
  7. 14. Largest country by population in the world
  8. 15. is bordered by Wales to the west and Scotland to the north.
  1. 1. Capital is Rome
  2. 2. Major cities include Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary.
  3. 4. The currency used in the country is called the Turkish Lira
  4. 6. It is illegal to chew gum in this country
  5. 9. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis
  6. 12. Has the largest economy in Europe
  7. 13. The most visited country in the world