country music

  1. 4. country music is linked with this device
  2. 8. these people made music out of things in nature
  3. 10. the United States most selling music genre
  4. 11. the country that is talked about in country music
  5. 12. the name of the family that created country music
  6. 13. a music type that had influence on country
  7. 14. country music expanded after this war
  8. 15. a alcohol drink that country singers like
  1. 1. considered to be the home of country
  2. 2. traveler the name of the first country song
  3. 3. a thing discussed in country songs often
  4. 5. this type of music was the foundation for country
  5. 6. the main country instrument
  6. 7. the first solo country singer
  7. 9. a rebellious country person