Course Syllabus Hunt

  1. 1. The acronym for Future Business Leaders of America.
  2. 4. Are required to wear a tie on professional dress day
  3. 6. ____ Exam Accounts for 20% of your grade
  4. 8. This grade weight accounts for the smallest portion of your semester grade
  5. 11. Accounts for 15% of your course grade.
  6. 12. Everyone is responsible for this in the lab
  7. 14. In course standard 1 of this course you will demonstrate these types of skills required by
  8. 16. you are required to bring this daily fully charged
  1. 2. Students are to stop all conversation immediately when these come over the intercom.
  2. 3. Teacher support is available Monday through
  3. 5. Accounts for 30% of your grade along with quizzes
  4. 7. All students need an agreement for access the
  5. 9. NOT allowed in the lab
  6. 10. Accounts for 25% of your course grade
  7. 13. You are ______ if you are not in your seat when the bell rings
  8. 15. are NEWLY required to be worn at all times during the school day.