Court Overview

  1. 3. Also called the state's attorney. Represents the state in a criminal case against a defendant.
  2. 4. Any criminal offense for which a person may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than of one year.
  3. 6. A command to appear in court to testify as a witness.
  4. 8. Testimony given by a witness who tells second or third hand information.
  5. 9. In civil cases, the person who is given court papers, also called a respondent. In criminal cases, the person who is arrested and charged with a crime.
  6. 11. A person who testifies to what they saw, heard, observed or did
  7. 12. Confinement to a state correctional institute or prison.
  8. 14. A person who hears and decides cases for the courts. Appointed by the governor for a term of eight years and confirmed by the General Assembly.
  1. 1. Questioning by a party or the attorney of an adverse party or a witness.
  2. 2. When a convicted offender receives a suspended term of incarceration and is then supervised by a probation officer for a period of time set by a judge.
  3. 3. Release from incarceration after serving part of a sentence.
  4. 5. Testimony, documents or objects presented at a trial to prove a fact
  5. 7. The person who sues or starts a civil case, also called the petitioner or the complainant.
  6. 10. Member of a jury.
  7. 13. Statements made by a witness or party under oath.