Court Room Vocabulary

  1. 1. information presented to a jury
  2. 5. an individual against whom a lawsuit is filed
  3. 7. appointed official that makes decisions
  4. 10. not accepted as valid
  5. 12. tries a criminal case on behalf of the government
  6. 14. defendants statement of guilty or not guilty
  7. 15. allows judges to admit evidence
  8. 16. to make a judgment of guilt
  1. 2. discussion between jurors
  2. 3. the intentional or premeditated death of a person
  3. 4. number of jurors in a trial
  4. 6. evidence is insufficient to support a conviction
  5. 8. allows judges to admit expert witnesses
  6. 9. Article of Bill of Rights that provides the right to a fair trial
  7. 11. the beginnings of a criminal trial
  8. 13. First 10 amendments to the US Constitution