Court System Participants

  1. 1. members of the public who are responsible for the verdict in a criminal case (12 in felony case, 6 in misdemeanor)
  2. 2. their duties are to keep order in the courtroom, secure witnesses, maintain physical custody of jury and announce the entry of the judge
  3. 5. works directly with the trial judge and is responsible for court paperwork and records
  4. 8. their job is to transcribe every word spoken during trial; transcripts are required for appeal
  5. 9. witness a witness qualified as an expert by skill, experience, training or education who may testify in the form of an opinion
  1. 1. an elected magistrate who oversees the justice court for the county
  2. 3. a licensed trial lawyer, hired or appointed to conduct the legal defense of a person accused of a crime and to represent him in court
  3. 4. attorney whose official duty is to conduct criminal proceedings on behalf of the state against those accused of having committed criminal offenses
  4. 6. an elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law, conducts trials, and sometimes decides cases
  5. 7. a person called to testify in court