Court Terms

  1. 6. An injury or wrong committed, with or without force, to the person or property of another, which gives rise to a claim for damages.
  2. 8. An assertion, declaration or statement of a party to an action made in a pleading, stating what the party expects to prove.
  3. 12. If, in the minds of the jury, a doubt exists which may have arisen from the evidence, or lack of evidence, a doubt that would exist in the mind of a reasonable person after fully, fairly, and carefully considering all of the evidence, or lack of evidence.
  4. 13. Compensation recovered in the courts by a person who has suffered loss, detriment or injury to his or her person, property or rights, through the unlawful act or negligence of another.
  5. 15. Paper, document or other object received by the court as evidence during a trial or hearing.
  6. 16. The questioning of a witness by the party who produced the witness.
  7. 18. written or printed declaration or statement under oath. See certificate under penalty of perjury of perjury.
  8. 22. (pronounced "vwar-deer") - "To speak the truth." The process of preliminary examination of prospective jurors, by the court or attorneys, regarding their qualifications.
  9. 23. Book containing entries of all proceedings in a court.
  10. 24. The initial statement made by attorneys for each side, outlining the facts each intends to establish during the trial.
  11. 26. A legal document, prepared by an attorney, which presents the law and facts supporting his or her client's case.
  12. 27. The assertion of an appellate court that the judgment of the lower court is correct and should stand.
  13. 28. A law created by the Legislature.
  14. 29. In criminal cases, a court hearing where a defendant is advised of the charges and asked to plead guilty or not guilty.
  1. 1. 1. Court's denial of any motion or point raised to the court. 2. To overturn or void a decision made in a prior case.
  2. 2. Constitutional guarantee that an accused person receive a fair and impartial trial.
  3. 3. The general standard of proof in civil cases. The weight of evidence presented by one side is more convincing to the trier of facts than the evidence presented by the opposing side.
  4. 4. The questioning of a witness by the party opposed to the one who produced the witness.
  5. 5. Any act that is meant to embarrass, hinder or obstruct a court in the administration of justice.
  6. 7. A judgment or decree.
  7. 9. A request by a party that the court excuse a specific juror on the basis that the juror is biased.
  8. 10. (allegation) Stated; recited; claimed; asserted; charged.
  9. 11. One which suggests to a witness the answer desired. Generally prohibited on direct examination.
  10. 14. An amount of money determined by the judge and posted with the court clerk as security.
  11. 17. The closing statement, by counsel, to the trier of facts after all parties have concluded their presentation of evidence.
  12. 19. To find a defendant not guilty in a criminal trial.
  13. 20. Oral or written request made by a party to an action before, during or after a trial upon which a court issues a ruling or order.
  14. 21. Written accusation of a grand jury, charging that a person or business has committed a crime.
  15. 25. Basic U.S. trial system in which each of the opposing parties has an opportunity to state his or her viewpoint before the court.