  1. 2. The person who decides on questions of law.
  2. 5. The power of judges and courts to make decisions based on their interpretation the law.
  3. 8. A person who has been arrested and charged by the police with a criminal offence.
  4. 11. The High Court is considered the guardian of the ____________.
  5. 13. Records what happens in a court hearing. (2)
  6. 15. The _____ _____ assists a senior legal practitioner.(2)
  7. 16. Law made by the courts is referred to as ______ Law.
  8. 17. A court officer who assists the judge in the running of the court.
  9. 18. The legal system where two sides present evidence to prove their case to an independent body.
  10. 21. The Judge’s _________ assists the judge with paperwork and legal research.
  11. 22. The __________ services officer supervises the accused while they are in the court.
  12. 23. A judge that deals with minor cases.
  13. 26. A type of inadmissible evidence.
  14. 27. The _______ Court
  1. 1. In an open court the ______ are allowed to watch cases.
  2. 3. The party representing the accused.
  3. 4. The legal process where the judge is involved in the investigation of a case.
  4. 6. When a person is found not guilty of a criminal offence by a judge or jury.
  5. 7. Beyond reasonable doubt is the ________ __ _____ in criminal cases. (3)
  6. 9. A person who gives evidence in court.
  7. 10. The media will often send ___________ to report on cases being heard in court.
  8. 11. Paul de Jersey is the _____ _______ of Queensland. (2)
  9. 12. The party that presents the case for the Crown.
  10. 14. The person against who a court action is brought.
  11. 19. A type of admissible evidence.
  12. 20. A legal practitioner that advocates for their clients in court.
  13. 24. A legal practitioner that deals with a variety of legal issues or concerns.
  14. 25. A formal request by a party to review or re-hear the decision of a lower court.