Amelia Pond's Covalent Bonding Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 2. - the atom that can form the largest number of bonds
  2. 3. - the bond created between atoms that share one pair of electrons
  3. 8. - a neutral combination of covalently bonded atoms
  4. 9. - the bond created between atoms that share three pairs of electrons
  5. 10. - the place in which the outermost electrons reside
  6. 12. - lewis dot structures predict _____ between atoms in stable covalent molecules
  7. 15. - a bond created between two atoms by sharing electrons
  1. 1. - the electrons that reside in the outermost shell of an atom
  2. 4. - the bond created between atoms that share two pairs of electrons
  3. 5. - the type of elements that can make covalent bonds
  4. 6. - two valence electrons
  5. 7. - a neutral combination of atoms of two or more elements
  6. 11. - a pair of nonbonding electrons
  7. 13. - eight valence electrons
  8. 14. - two electrons make a _____