  1. 6. fire in a country
  2. 8. alot of people____in 2020
  3. 9. a state, period, or place of isolation
  4. 10. a cure
  5. 15. school no one went to school they did __________
  6. 16. don't have it
  7. 17. died in the beginning of 2020 (RIP)
  8. 18. pres. while it was 2020
  9. 20. things happend _______
  10. 21. a virus spread in 2020
  1. 1. prevalent over a whole country or the wor
  2. 2. the year
  3. 3. you wear on your face
  4. 4. black lives matter
  5. 5. you use to block your face
  6. 7. joined saint mark in this year
  7. 11. where covid-19 stated
  8. 12. like quarantine
  9. 13. he runs for presedent against trump
  10. 14. shopping they did ____________ to get things
  11. 19. have it