Covid 19 #99

  1. 3. Living Pathogen.
  2. 4. caused by the west nile virus
  3. 11. term used to describe viruses
  4. 13. microscope used to observe COVID 19
  5. 14. carries instructions from DNA to build proteins.
  1. 1. double-stranded, holds genetic information.
  2. 2. primary source of transmission for COVID 19
  3. 5. part of the body where COVID 19 is most active
  4. 6. Machine to assist people with breathing
  5. 7. City where the first COVID 19 case was reported.
  6. 8. severe acute respiratory syndrome
  7. 9. Nonliving Pathogen.
  8. 10. respiratory virus discovered on December 31, 2019
  9. 12. what makes up the human body