Covid Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. A chemokine associated with cognitive impairment in aging
  2. 7. Brain resident macrophages that are found in the central nervous system and consequently play important roles in brain infections and inflammation.
  3. 8. Type of white blood cell that helps eliminate foreign substances by engulfing foreign antigens and initiating an immune response.
  4. 9. A large family of small, secreted proteins that are best known for their ability to stimulate the migration of cells, most notably white blood cells.
  5. 12. Myelin forming cells of the central nervous system
  1. 2. They are small, soluble proteins that regulate the immune system. They're part of innate immunity and have an adaptive response to infection.
  2. 3. Reactive microglia/macrophages can inhibit hippocampal __________
  3. 4. Microglia induce these neurotoxic glial cells through cytokine signaling
  4. 5. Is the virus that causes COVID-19 and is characterized by a respiratory syndrome with a variable degree of severity
  5. 6. Is used as a marker to detect microglial activation/reactivity
  6. 10. Used as a marker of inflammation associated with the involvement of monocytes/macrophages
  7. 11. Marker of neurogenesis for the dentate gyrus within the hippocampus