Cownose Stingray

  1. 1. type of feeders they are
  2. 2. type of water they live in
  3. 4. color of the ray's stomach
  4. 6. what they use to breath
  5. 8. are rays fished
  6. 9. animal fin looks like when their wings break the surface of the water
  7. 10. group that a ray is in
  8. 11. what do rays eat
  9. 13. where does it live
  1. 1. color of the ray's back
  2. 3. what helps them swim
  3. 5. part with the barb
  4. 6. who they travel with
  5. 7. main ray predator
  6. 12. part of the body that gives the ray its name