CP Geometry

  1. 1. If-Then statement that has been proved
  2. 3. The ratio of a right triangle's Adjacent side to its Hypotenuse
  3. 4. Line that divides a triangle into two right triangles
  4. 5. ___ Property. If x=y and y=z, then x=z.
  5. 8. Chord of a circle that contains its center
  6. 9. Tool used for copying distances
  7. 11. Regular polygon of n=4
  8. 15. The perimeter of a circle
  9. 20. Four-sided shape
  10. 21. The space between two intersecting lines
  11. 22. Distance from a circle's center to edge
  12. 23. The hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs both of length 1
  13. 24. ___ Theorem, named after famous Greek mathematician
  14. 25. The ratio of a right triangle's Opposite side to its Hypotenuse
  15. 26. Property of two figures that are identical in size and proportion
  1. 1. Line that intersects a circle once — also name of ratio of opposite / adjacent
  2. 2. Triangle with three congruent sides
  3. 6. 1/360th of the interior angle in a circle
  4. 7. A fraction of a circle's perimeter
  5. 10. Family of triangles with two congruent sides
  6. 12. Property of lines that never intersect
  7. 13. The ratio between a circle's circumference and diameter
  8. 14. Property of two figures that are proportional but not identical
  9. 15. Set of points equidistant from a center
  10. 16. Line that divides a segment in half
  11. 17. Comparison of numbers by division
  12. 18. Logical argument to guarantee the truth of a statement
  13. 19. Property of lines that intersect at a right angle