CPA Chemistry Safety

  1. 4. This type of shoe is not allowed in the laboratory.
  2. 7. Students must follow this exactly to ensure a safe and successful experiment.
  3. 8. If glassware is hot it is important to not put it in (blank) water.
  4. 9. This technique is used smell in the laboratory.
  5. 10. This is the minimum amount of time to wash eyes in the eye wash station
  6. 11. Students must wash their (blank) after every experiment.
  7. 12. Chemicals should not be disposed of here.
  8. 14. Students must wear these to protect their eyes even if a student wears glasses.
  9. 15. These are warn to protect hands.
  1. 1. It is important when in the laboratory students do not exhibit this type of behavior.
  2. 2. These can cause students to trip in the lab area when left in open space. Make sure they are by your desk.
  3. 3. It is important that students make sure the lab area is (blank) before students leave.
  4. 5. These must always be reported to the teacher.
  5. 6. Once a chemical is used it should never return to its (blank) container.
  6. 8. This type of glassware should not be used because of hazards such as cutting the student.
  7. 11. This can catch on fire if not tied back.
  8. 13. Although it is commonly worn on individuals wrists or necks they may not wear it during experiments.