CPSC 421 OOP C++ Templates

  1. 2. C++ templates as extension points allow the use of _____ in lambda functions
  2. 3. Using C++ Template with lambda functions is very _____
  3. 5. Keyword to declare a C++ template
  4. 9. A programming language paradigm where algorithms are written in terms of types to-be-specified-later and then instantiated when needed for specific types of the parameters is _____ _____
  5. 11. The compiler can _____ lambda functions in template
  6. 13. Template _________ do not have to be types
  7. 14. Template parameters do not have to be ____
  8. 16. Lambda functions passed to std::function parameters are very _____
  9. 17. All template instantiation is done at ______ time
  10. 18. Keyword for a type template parameter
  1. 1. All the advantages of lambdas to std::function, without the _____ disadvantage
  2. 3. With C++ templates as extension points, we get a lot of _____
  3. 4. Code is (potentially) _____
  4. 6. C++ templates replaces the need for _____ types (one variable can store many different types of data)
  5. 7. A C++ template is how std::_____() works
  6. 8. In the Template Function Extension, the name of the type for the compare function is _____
  7. 10. As with the Fibonacci example, it is possible to write ______ templates
  8. 12. From a template function the compiler will ______ a separate function for each type
  9. 15. In the Template Class Extension, we create the processor with Process<_____(compare)>