CPSC 421 OOP Callbacks

  1. 1. The order of function calls from main() in the Common Control Flow example (name of each function with no parentheses)
  2. 4. A class that acts like a function
  3. 8. Callbacks that are methods use ______ to member functions
  4. 10. For free functions, the callbacks are _____ _____
  5. 14. Callbacks that are anonymous functions are ____ callbacks
  6. 15. In the Sort with Callback example, the Client calls the ____() once
  1. 2. The order of returns from function calls from main() in the Common Control Flow example (name of each function with no parentheses)
  2. 3. In the Common Control Flow example, the ____ calls functions in the Libraries
  3. 5. In the Common Control Flow example, the Libraries never call the _______
  4. 6. Callbacks permit customization of the ______ in a function/method
  5. 7. The name of the callback in the sort() example
  6. 9. In the sort() example, sort calls the code in the _____ multiple times
  7. 11. A _____ is a bit of computation that a function/method can call when appropriate in the implemented algorithm
  8. 12. Callbacks are not a ____programming mechanism
  9. 13. In the Sort with Callback example, the ____() may call the Client multiple times