CPSC 421 OOP Design Pattern: Factory Method

  1. 3. _____ use abstract classes to define and maintain relationships between objects
  2. 4. In the Motivation, the factory method is _____()
  3. 8. Factory methods pervade _____
  4. 11. In the Parallel Class Hierarchies example, the class _____ has the role of Creator
  5. 15. The return type of all factory methods is a pointer to the _____ class
  6. 17. Factory Method is a class _____ pattern
  7. 18. Declares the factory method which returns an object of type Product
  8. 22. In the Maze example, the role of ConcreteCreator is in the class _____
  9. 24. In the Parallel Class Hierarchies example, the class _____ has the role of Product
  10. 25. In the Parallel Class Hierarchies example, the ConcreteCreator is the role of multiple classes including _____
  11. 26. The applicability is to classes that want to _____ responsibility to one of several helper subclasses
  12. 27. In the Maze example, in terms of doors, the factory method is _____()
  13. 29. AKA Virtual _____
  14. 30. In the Maze example, in terms of doors, the Product is the class _____
  15. 31. In the Motivation, the class _____ has the role of Product
  16. 32. In the Maze example, in terms of doors, the ConcreteProduct is the class _____
  17. 33. A consequence is that you have to _____ Creator for each unique ConcreteProduct
  18. 34. Defines the interface of objects the factory method creates
  19. 35. In the Motivation, the class _____ has the role of Creator
  20. 36. Implements the product interface
  1. 1. In the Motivation, the class _____ has the role of ConcreteCreator
  2. 2. A related pattern is _____ factory which is often implemented with factory methods
  3. 5. Factory methods also pervade _____
  4. 6. In the Maze example, in terms of walls, the factory method is _____()
  5. 7. In the Parallel Class Hierarchies example, the factory method is _____()
  6. 9. In the Maze example, in terms of rooms, the Product is the class _____
  7. 10. According to Merriam Webster, _____ is "to become diffused throughout every part of"
  8. 12. In the Maze example, in terms of rooms, the ConcreteProduct is the class _____
  9. 13. The applicability is to classes that want _____ to specify the objects it creates
  10. 14. One approach used with the factory method is _____ initialization
  11. 16. In the Maze example, the role of Creator is in the class _____
  12. 17. Overrides the factory method to return an instance of a ConcreteProduct
  13. 19. The applicability is to classes that can’t anticipate the class of objects it must _____
  14. 20. A related pattern is _____ methods which are typically called to create a proper object
  15. 21. In the Parallel Class Hierarchies example, the ConcreteProduct is the role of multiple classes including _____
  16. 23. In the Motivation, the class _____ has the role of ConcreteProduct
  17. 28. In the Maze example, in terms of rooms, the factory method is _____()