CPSC 421 OOP Design Patterns

  1. 3. Each pattern can be applied a million _____ over without ever doing it in the same way twice
  2. 6. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  3. 9. The "Proxy" is a _____ Pattern
  4. 11. The "Template Method" is a _____ Pattern
  5. 12. Must be widely _____
  6. 14. The "Factory Method" is a _____ Pattern
  7. 16. Language _____ may support these if organized correctly
  8. 18. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  9. 23. Need a way to _____ about design structures and roles
  1. 1. There are repeated _____ _____ and roles of classes used in most software
  2. 2. The solution should be _____
  3. 4. Each pattern describes the core of a _____ to that problem
  4. 5. Each design pattern has a _____
  5. 7. Each design pattern has _____
  6. 8. Each design pattern has a _____
  7. 10. Not possible to capture these structures and roles into specific _____
  8. 13. Each design pattern has a _____
  9. 15. Each pattern describes a _____ which occurs over and over again
  10. 17. The last name of the author of "A Pattern Language"
  11. 19. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  12. 20. Acronym for the authors of the Design Patterns book
  13. 21. Solution must be _____
  14. 22. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"