CPSC 421 OOP Scope

  1. 1. _____ Scope is where the Name binding is available to more than one source-code file of a program
  2. 3. Where the value of a variable is stored is the _____ _____
  3. 4. In a function declaration, the scope of parameter names ends right before the _____
  4. 9. _____ Scope is where the name binding is available to the file of the declaration
  5. 10. Replace any global variables with _____ _____
  6. 15. _____ Scope is where the name binding is limited to the block of the function
  7. 18. In other parts of the program, the name may refer to another _____, i.e., it is not the same variable
  8. 19. _____ Scope is where the name binding limited to the expression
  9. 22. Order of _____ is the order of declaration
  10. 23. Files using a global variable from another file use the _____ specifier
  11. 24. Scope is the _____ of the name binding
  12. 26. The _____ of creation of global variables between different translation units is not specified by the C++ Standard
  13. 27. _____ _____ have access to all of the fields (data members) of their class, i.e., the fields are in scope
  14. 28. The _____ of a name binding is the portion of source code in which a binding of a name with an entity applies
  15. 29. Associating a symbolic name with a storage location is _____ _____
  16. 30. The visibility of a variable may be hidden by _____
  17. 31. An _____ _____ is allocated where it is declared and deallocated automatically when the program leaves the variable's scope
  18. 32. In essence, file scope variables are _____ to the file
  1. 2. To ensure scope is limited to the file with the declaration, you could use the specifier static or an _____ _____
  2. 3. Problems with the order of creation of global variables between translation units are known as the _____ _____ _____ fiasco
  3. 5. A _____ is an abstract storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value
  4. 6. In non-OOP languages, Class Scope is accomplished by _____
  5. 7. To improve design, _____ the amount of code that has access to a variable
  6. 8. Ordering problems with global variables can cause _____ when the program runs
  7. 11. The scope we are examining is lexical scope or _____ scope
  8. 12. Parameter names are a form of _____
  9. 13. In the class definition, names must be _____ before they are used
  10. 14. All global variables are created before entering the _____() function
  11. 16. The most common occurrence of expression scope is in function declarations or function prototypes, known as _____ _____ _____
  12. 17. File scope variables may be accessible by other _____ in the program
  13. 20. To improve design, place the variable in the _____ block possible
  14. 21. The best way to improve a design is to _____ scope whenever possible
  15. 22. _____ Scope is where the name binding is limited to the class definition and method definition
  16. 25. _____ Scope is where the name binding is limited to the block statement of the declaration