CPSC 421 OOP Coding Style

  1. 3. A characteristic of a coding style
  2. 8. An essential part of coding style is the _____ conventions
  3. 9. Dr. Collard strongly suggests you use _____ to indent
  4. 11. Prefer ____ comments, unless multiple lines
  5. 12. Once of the most important parts of a coding style are consistency, consistency, _______
  6. 13. Developers ___ ___ much more than they write code
  7. 14. Dr. Collard suggests that you do not mix ___ and spaces for indentation on the same line
  8. 15. Often the only documentation of the ____ is in the code
  9. 16. With existing code, _____ to the current coding style
  10. 17. Coding styles often reflect a ______
  11. 18. To markup comments, use ______
  1. 1. Indentation of source code is based on ____ ____ ____
  2. 2. One of the problems with a coding standard is ____ ____ _____
  3. 4. _____ appear on the line before the code they describe
  4. 5. A characteristic of a coding style
  5. 6. It is difficult to formally ____/check/correct a coding standard
  6. 7. The whitespace at the start of a source-code line
  7. 10. ____ newlines are sufficient. Multiple newlines are not needed.