CPSC 421 OOP UML Association

  1. 8. If a field/data member is a reference or pointer, then the relationship may be _____, but not always
  2. 9. In UML, use _____ for classes in the design
  3. 10. If a field/data member is a container of values, then the relationship may be _____
  1. 1. A form of association where the source controls the lifetime of the target
  2. 2. Composition and aggregation are often confused, and the terms used _____
  3. 3. In UML, use _____ for data types in the design
  4. 4. A form of association where the source shares the target and does not control the target lifetime
  5. 5. std::_____ptr<> is similar to std::unique_ptr<> but allows multiple clients that share the object
  6. 6. Prefer Composition to Aggregation as the _____ of the variable is clearer
  7. 7. UML term _____ includes both attributes and association