- 2. Every UML Class has a ____
- 6. For the UML attribute '-firstName:Name = "John" { persistent }', the property is
- 9. UML stands for the ______ Modeling Language
- 12. For the UML attribute '-firstName:Name = "John" { persistent }', the type is _____
- 15. UML primitive type equivalent to a C++ bool
- 16. Classes use ______ for naming
- 17. The UML term for class data members/fields
- 18. For the UML attribute '-firstName:Name = "John" { persistent }', the attribute name is _____
- 21. For visibility, the "-" means ____
- 23. Classes represent the ____ of the program
- 25. UML is highly related to object-oriented _______
- 26. For the UML operation '+draw(in rawshape : Shape)' the parameter type is _____
- 27. One of the contributors to UML, and quoted in the notes
- 28. The UML comment mechanism is a ____
- 30. An extension mechanism to UML, where CBE (Control, Boundary, and Entity) are examples
- 31. UML primitive type equivalent to a C++ double
- 32. UML Class diagram is one of the _______ diagrams
- 33. UML is a standardized, general-purpose, _____ language
- 1. In the MOF, M0 layer, the real world, e.g., a cat, is the ____ ____
- 3. The UmlMode we are using is _____
- 4. For visibility, the "~" means ____
- 5. For the UML attribute '-firstName:Name = "John" { persistent }', the default is _____
- 7. For visibility, the "+" means ____
- 8. From C++ code to a UML Class diagram is _____ engineering
- 10. One of the UML operator parameter directions equivalent to the C++ call by reference, e.g., Shape&
- 11. UML primitive type equivalent to a C++ int
- 13. The M2 level of the MOF has the name _____
- 14. From a UML Class diagram to C++ code is _____ engineering
- 19. For the UML operation '+draw(in rawshape : Shape)' the parameter direction is _____
- 20. The UML term for methods/member functions
- 22. For the UML operation '+draw(in rawshape : Shape)' the parameter name is _____
- 24. Operations are the ______ of the class
- 29. For visibility, the "#" means ____