CPSC 421 OOP Adapter Design Pattern

  1. 3. The Adapter pattern is often the first step towards replacement/major changes to a class with the "_____" interface
  2. 4. Clients call _____ on an Adapter instance
  3. 7. Another variation is a _____-_____ adapter
  4. 8. The Adapter pattern is AKA as the _____
  5. 12. The Adapter pattern allows a current class to be used by a client expecting a different _____
  6. 13. The Adapter pattern may add _____ missing in the target class
  7. 16. The Object Adapter replaces the inheritance relationship of the Adapter from the Adaptee by _____
  8. 20. The Adapter calls Adaptee operations that carry out the _____
  9. 21. The Adapter pattern _____ requests to the Client into requests for the target class
  1. 1. One implementation question is, "How much _____ does Adapter do?"
  2. 2. The Adapter pattern lets classes work together with _____ interfaces
  3. 5. The _____ converts the interface of a class into another interface clients expect
  4. 6. The Adapter pattern is a _____ Pattern
  5. 9. Applicable when you want to create a _____ class that cooperates with unrelated or unforeseen classes
  6. 10. One consequence of the Object Adapter is that it does not directly allow subclassing Adaptee _____
  7. 11. Applicable when you want to use an _____ class and its interface does not match the one you need
  8. 14. One of the Adapter class structures is for a _____ Adapter
  9. 15. One of the Adapter class structures is for an _____ Adapter
  10. 17. _____ Adapter is for when you need to use several existing subclasses, but it's impractical to adapt their interface by subclassing every one
  11. 18. Avoid _____ adapters in C++ unless necessary
  12. 19. One variation is a _____ adapter