CPSC 421 OOP Command Pattern

  1. 4. Applicable when you want to support unlimited ____ and redo
  2. 6. An Invoker object ______ the ConcreteCommand object
  3. 8. The _____ Pattern allows you to encapsulate a request as an object
  4. 9. _____ is a related pattern that keeps state the command requires for an undo
  5. 12. The Client ____ a ConcreteCommand object
  6. 14. Easy to add new Commands because you don’t have to ______ existing classes.
  7. 15. Command AKA
  8. 18. For undo and redo, for a method execute() the corresponding method is _____
  9. 20. The ConcreteCommand object _____ operations on its receiver to carry out the request
  10. 21. An idea for implementation is using C++ _____ to avoid creating Command subclasses
  11. 22. A detail for implementation is supporting undo and _____
  12. 23. Applicable when you want to support _____ changes in case of a system crash
  13. 24. Command _________ the object that invokes the operation from the one that knows how to perform it
  1. 1. Command is copied before being placed on a history list acts as a __________
  2. 2. Commands are _____-_____ objects and can be manipulated and extended like any other object.
  3. 3. Command is a _____ Pattern
  4. 5. An issue to deal with in implementation is avoiding error _____ in the undo
  5. 7. Another Command AKA
  6. 10. Applicable when you want to support _____
  7. 11. Multiple commands can be assembled into a _________ command (e.g., MacroCommand), and are instances of the Composite pattern
  8. 13. Use the command pattern when you want to _____ objects by an action to perform
  9. 16. The Invoker object ____ a request by calling an operation on the command
  10. 17. A question for implementation is "How ___________ should a command be?"
  11. 19. _____ is a related pattern used to implement MacroCommands