CPSC 421 OOP Facade Design Pattern

  1. 2. Subsystems often get more _____ as they evolve
  2. 8. In the Known Uses example, the class _____ is in the role of a Facade
  3. 10. The Facade allows a choice between ease of use and _____
  4. 11. Clients communicate with the subsystem by sending _____ to Facade
  5. 13. Most patterns result in more and _____ classes
  6. 17. The Facade forwards the requests to the _____ subsystem objects
  7. 19. The role of _____ is to know which subsystem classes are responsible for a request and delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects
  8. 20. The Facade reduces the need for _____
  9. 22. Clients that use the Facade don’t have to access its subsystem objects _____ but can if needed
  10. 23. Allows a current class to be used by client code expecting a _____ interface
  11. 24. Subsystems are more reusable and easier to _____ but also harder to use for clients that don’t need customization
  12. 25. Often the first step towards _____/major changes to a class with the “wrong” interface
  13. 26. The Facade promotes _____ _____ between the client and the subsystems
  14. 27. Converts client requests into _____ class requests
  15. 28. The Facade simplifies _____ to other platforms
  16. 29. The Facade _____ clients from subsystem components, reducing the number of objects that clients deal with and making the subsystem easier to use
  1. 1. Facade is a _____ Pattern
  2. 3. The first class used in the implementation of the Compiler example that is a subsystem that doesn’t know it is in a Facade is the class _____
  3. 4. May add _____ missing in the target class
  4. 5. In the Motivation, the class _____ is in the role of the Facade
  5. 6. The _____ classes handle work assigned by the Facade object but do not know about the Facade and keep no references or pointers to the Facade
  6. 7. In the Compiler example, the class _____ is in the role of a Facade
  7. 9. The subsystem classes are not _____ as part of the pattern since they do not know about the pattern
  8. 12. Facade defines a higher-level _____ that makes the subsystem easier to use
  9. 13. Usually, only one Facade object is required, and Facade objects are often _____
  10. 14. The _____ Factory Pattern is used with Facade to provide an interface for creating subsystem objects and is an alternative to Facade to hide platform-specific classes
  11. 15. The _____ Pattern provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem
  12. 16. As opposed to the _____ Pattern, a facade merely abstracts the interface to subsystem objects to make them easier to use
  13. 18. The Facade _____ the subsystem from clients and other subsystems, thereby promoting subsystem independence and portability
  14. 21. Subsystem objects perform the _____ _____
  15. 22. Facade provides a simple _____ _____ of the subsystem that is good enough for most clients