CPSC 480 Final Exam Terminology Review

  1. 3. Stage 3 of the software lifespan model
  2. 5. The main reason that any design is temporary is because of requirements
  3. 7. Determine where in the code a particular feature is implemented
  4. 10. Ensures that the Scrum process is followed but is not the team leader
  5. 12. Principle 6 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  6. 13. Principle 8 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  7. 15. Process of changing a software system that does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure
  8. 16. Principle 7 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  9. 18. In the software lifespan, reversal from servicing to evolution that is very expensive and rare
  10. 19. Principle 4 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  11. 21. The business owner, the voice of the customer
  12. 22. Principle 5 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  13. 23. Stage 2 of the software lifespan model
  14. 24. Principle 3 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  15. 28. In the software lifespan, during this we lose software coherence and personnel and move from the evolution stage to the servicing stage
  16. 30. Software Development + Software Maintenance =
  17. 31. Principle 1 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  18. 32. The list of requirements in scrum ordered by business values and needs
  1. 1. An attempt to fix Waterfall so you can change it later is Design for _____
  2. 2. Stage 1 of the software lifespan model
  3. 4. Development with previous code or design
  4. 6. Stage 4 of the software lifespan model
  5. 8. Figures out what parts of the code would be affected if we were to implement a change
  6. 9. Indicates the need for refactoring and is typically based on developer intuition
  7. 11. Principle 2 of the IEEE Computer Society/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics
  8. 14. Development with no previously existing code or design
  9. 17. The list of work the development team attempts in the next sprint
  10. 20. Stage 5 of the software lifespan model
  11. 24. Change category for improving the code or documentation
  12. 25. Change category for changes in the software environment, e.g., C++17 to C++20
  13. 26. Change category for fixing a bug
  14. 27. A band-aid approach for Waterfall where we build one to throw away
  15. 29. The Scrum unit of development, from 1 to 4 weeks