CR 10.1: Warrants - 5. Team Cames

  1. 2. warrants that are often unstated but recoverable (may be fairly phrased).
  2. 4. conditions of exception to the claim
  3. 7. additional support, justification, reasons to back up warrant
  4. 8. specification of data to claim, warrant, and backing
  5. 10. the connection between the data and the conclusion.
  6. 11. an English philosopher and logician, who identified elements of a persuasive argument.
  7. 12. facts we appeal to as grounds for the claim
  1. 1. is a statement that you are asking the other person to accept
  2. 3. consists of a specific span of text which relates directly to the argument being made.
  3. 5. the base of the argument, theory, or undertaking
  4. 6. a general rule indicating the relevance of a claim (may be explicit or implicit).
  5. 9. the basis of the real persuasion and is made up of data and hard facts