Cranial Nerves

  1. 2. What number is the vestibulocochlear cranial nerve?
  2. 5. This cranial nerve has smell sensory components
  3. 6. This cranial nerve has both motor components that control the muscles of mastication and sensory components that supply most of the head
  4. 7. The olfactory cranial nerve is what number?
  5. 8. The optic nerve is what CN number?
  6. 9. This cranial nerve has vision sensory components and can be tested using the dazzle reflex
  7. 10. This cranial nerve has motor components that function to retract the eye and can be tested using the corneal reflex
  8. 12. What number is the accessory cranial nerve?
  9. 13. This cranial nerve can have both its sensory and motor components using the ear twitch reflex , and it also has parasympathetic innervation
  10. 14. Oculomotor cranial nerve is what number?
  11. 15. This cranial nerve has sensory components that functions in both balance and hearing
  12. 17. This cranial nerve has motor components that aid in tongue movement.
  13. 19. Facial nerve is what cranial nerve number?
  1. 1. What number is the hypoglossal cranial nerve?
  2. 3. This cranial nerve has sensory components that aid in taste, motor components that move the pharyngeal muscles, and parasympathetic innervation to the parotid an zygomatic salivary glands
  3. 4. Trigeminal nerve is what cranial nerve number?
  4. 7. This cranial nerve has motor components that move the eye and has parasympathetic innervation which functions to constrict the pupil
  5. 8. This cranial nerve has motor components that function to rotate the eye
  6. 10. This cranial nerve has motor components that aid in the movement of the cervical neck muscles.
  7. 11. What number is the glossopharyngeal cranial nerve?
  8. 13. Trochlear nerve is what cranial nerve number?
  9. 15. This cranial nerve has sensory and motor components along the parasympathetic innervation to the heart, lungs, and GI tract. Like cranial nerve IX, it is also testes with the gag reflex.
  10. 16. What number is the vagus cranial nerve?
  11. 18. Abducens is what cranial nerve number?