  1. 1. a electronic machine perfect for maths
  2. 5. half one hundred
  3. 10. number of hours in one day
  4. 13. how much is a hundred minus one?
  5. 15. number of days in one week
  6. 16. how much is ten multiplied by two?
  7. 17. number of years in one century
  8. 18. how much is seven plus sixty-three?
  1. 2. a verb, a synonym for "to determine the number"
  2. 3. how much is fourteen divided by seven?
  3. 4. how much is six plus nine?
  4. 6. how much is three multiplied by four?
  5. 7. how much is thirty plus ten?
  6. 8. how much is ten minus seven?
  7. 9. it is for the absence of quantity
  8. 11. how much is twelve minus eleven?
  9. 12. how much is four plus fourteen?
  10. 14. how much is five plus four?
  11. 15. number of seconds in one minute