CRDL Golf with safety

  1. 3. Never _________ a guard or interlock.
  2. 5. Every employee is expected to identify_____________.
  3. 10. Information regarding hazards and safe handling of a chemical can be found on ______ Sheets.
  4. 11. All accidents and injuries are __________________.
  5. 15. It’s your _____________ to work safely and report hazards.
  6. 16. No job is too important that we cannot take the ___________ to do it safely.
  7. 17. All __________ and accidents must be reported immediatly.
  8. 18. The take shelter alarm has a _____________ light.
  9. 19. Integrity, Excellence, Team Work and ____________ are our core values.
  10. 20. Team work, open communication and Employee ___________ is critical to achieving a safe workplace.
  11. 21. Never stand directly ___________ a load.
  12. 22. All forklifts and vehicles must yield to __________.
  13. 25. When using a fire extinguisher follow the ___________ method.
  14. 26. Accidents occur in the workplace due to the use of__________ hand-held tools to perform work.
  15. 29. __________protection is required on the plant floor.
  16. 30. Staying 3ft from a forklift is known as the ___________ rule.
  17. 31. __________ all tools prior to use.
  1. 1. Open _______ and drink are not allowed on the plant floor.
  2. 2. __________ are built in safety devices on machines.
  3. 4. Taking _________ is not following standard work.
  4. 6. _______________ Health and Safety Act.
  5. 7. Safety is a __________ of my employment.
  6. 8. Operating in a Man lift or Parts Picker require the use of __________ protection.
  7. 9. Class B fire extinguishers are used on __________ liquids.
  8. 12. Management is responsible for providing strong and ___________ Safety Leadership.
  9. 13. Poor ____________ is a leading cause of fires and incidents in the work centers.
  10. 14. Sanford Medical is CRDL’s _______________ medical provider.
  11. 23. A medical exam and fit test is required prior to using a ___________.
  12. 24. Defective tools or equipment must be_________ out by the employees.
  13. 27. Never wear gloves when operating _____________ equipment.
  14. 28. So far in 2013 the majority of our first aids are caused by _______ injuries.
  15. 29. Welding outside of the weld shop requires a ____________ permit.