creating the constitution

  1. 3. 1215 - an English document that limited the power of the monarch and protected rights and privileges
  2. 5. Two house legislature
  3. 10. the first constitution of the United States (1777) creating an association of states with weak central government
  4. 14. one house congress, states have equal representation, made smaller states equal in power to larger states, congress could set taxes and regulate trade
  5. 17. ratification of the constitution
  6. 18. described a federal government; president, courts, congress with 2 houses, representation in each house of congress based on population (so larger states have more votes than smaller states)
  7. 20. opposed to the constitution; believed that it would take away liberties and would create a strong national government, ignore the states and people, and favor the wealthy over the common people
  8. 21. explains the relationship between the states and national government
  1. 1. an agreement that Pilgrims wrote and signed describing how they would govern themselves in the Americas
  2. 2. one house legislature
  3. 4. congress has 2 houses; senate has equal representation; house of representatives of representation based on population
  4. 6. english writer/philosopher who supported the glorious revolution; believed people were born free/equal/independent and that they had natural rights to life, liberty, and property that no government could take away
  5. 7. establishes the legislative branch
  6. 8. the notion that power lies with the people
  7. 9. the document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain
  8. 11. each slave would count for 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation purposes
  9. 12. 1689 - laws further restricting the monarch's power and protecting the rights of English subjects and Parliament
  10. 13. supporters of the constitution; supported federalism (a form of government in which power is divided between the federal/national government and the states)
  11. 15. establishes the judicial branch
  12. 16. specifies under what conditions the constitution can be changed
  13. 19. declares the constitution the "supreme law of the land"
  14. 20. establishes the executive branch