- 3. Which Element of creation the most abundant among the 11 myths
- 5. How long does it rain in Genesis
- 6. In Ovid what two Gods recreated humans by throwing stones ___ and ___
- 8. What is the reasoning behind the Genesis Flood and the Roman Ovid flood
- 10. How was the supreme being presented in Korean mythology
- 11. In Genesis Noah saved 2 of every
- 12. What important symbol is seen in Prose Edda and Ovid’s Roman Myth
- 13. In Norse Mythology Ymir’s deceased body became the world called
- 17. what element of creation is the family tree
- 18. According to Genesis “ In the beginning, God created…”
- 21. How is the earth repopulated in Prose Edda, Roman’s Flood Myth (Ovid), Genesis
- 22. In destruction myths what are the two ways the world is destroyed: __ and __
- 23. How was the supreme being presented in Japanese mythology
- 24. Rome was founded by the twin sons of Mars ___ and ___
- 26. In Roman Mythology who was the first primordial being
- 29. Who were the mother and father of Greek mythology
- 30. In which myth was the world immediately restored with the humans
- 1. who did the "sky woman" give birth to in the Iroquois creation story
- 2. Which element of creation was not found in the 11 myths we looked over
- 4. What is the world tree called in Norse Mythology
- 7. Who are the mother and father of korean mythology
- 9. In which creation myth is night/fear/fire shown through the darkness god and goddess (Kumulipo and Po'ele)
- 14. In Norse Mythology who was the god of the “Rainbow bridge” and what was the bridge called
- 15. Wich titan ate his children (and a rock)
- 16. Who was Pandora created by
- 19. In Roman & Greek Mythology,__ is punished with holding up the world
- 20. What mythological creatures were created and destroyed in Ovids Roman Myth
- 25. In Prose Edda who killed Odin, and ate the Sun: ___ the ___
- 27. In which creation myth did a earthquake happen resulting in small proto humans
- 28. What creature played a role in Norse mythology and Genesis