- 1. The day God created whales.
- 4. What God made on the fifth day to fly above the earth.
- 6. What was made the same time as the herb yielding seed, and fruit trees.
- 9. What the earth was without.
- 11. What God called the dry land.
- 12. What two things, a greater and lesser, were made on the fourth day.
- 15. What God created in the beginning.
- 18. What man was to have over the animals.
- 19. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and ______ it.
- 20. What was upon the face of the deep.
- 21. What God said let us make man in.
- 22. The day God made cattle.
- 23. What the gathering of the waters was called.
- 24. Be ________, and multiply.
- 25. What comes before the morning.
- 1. What the Spirit of God moved upon.
- 2. What God did in the beginning.
- 3. The day seasons were established.
- 5. What appeared on the third day.
- 7. God blessed the seventh day, and __________ it.
- 8. What God created in the midst of the waters.
- 10. What God did on the seventh day.
- 13. What God said to let the earth bring forth on the sixth day.
- 14. The day God divided the waters.
- 16. What God said let us make man after.
- 17. The day God created light.