Creation to Joseph - Charlie Burdett

  1. 2. What did Adam and Eve show God when they walked by the tree of good and evil?
  2. 3. Issac was about ___ old when Abraham went to sacrifice him.
  3. 6. Who did Jacob first interpret the dream of?
  4. 9. What was Abraham's name before God changed it?
  5. 11. Who was Abraham's wife?
  6. 12. Potiphar's ___ falsely accused Joseph.
  7. 14. An ___ is a physical example of the Trinity.
  8. 15. What kind of animals were brought on the Ark?
  9. 16. God can bring ___ out of any bad situation
  10. 18. How old is the Earth? (Do not combine words instead use a - )
  11. 19. How many sons did Abraham have once he thought Joseph was dead (minus Joseph)?
  1. 1. What characteristic did Jacob show while in Egypt even when things looked bad?
  2. 2. Where dinosaurs on the Ark? (True/False)
  3. 4. Sarah was ___ years old when Issac was born.
  4. 5. Who was Bilhah's other son?
  5. 7. Who was the youngest of the eleven sons, after Jacob was gone?
  6. 8. Who was Leah's servant?
  7. 10. In Joseph's dream his brothers ___ down to him.
  8. 13. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all of ___.
  9. 16. Who did Joseph credit when he interpreted people's dreams?
  10. 17. Who was one of Bilhah's sons?
  11. 18. Joseph told Pharaoh that his dream was telling him that there would be ___ good years and ___ years of famine.