Creative work

  1. 1. - a long period when there is no rain
  2. 2. - someone who studies plants
  3. 6. - a group of plants or animals that share similar characteristics
  4. 8. - a sharp point on the stem of a plant
  5. 9. - something that makes someone with an illness healthy again
  6. 10. - strange or unusual
  7. 11. - a serious disease when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and abnormal
  1. 1. - a medical condition when your body cannot control the level of sugar in blood
  2. 3. - the way a person or thing looks
  3. 4. - the good or bad things that happen to you
  4. 5. - to hold something tightly
  5. 6. - an area of very wet, soft land
  6. 7. - extremely large