Creative Writing Practise

  1. 2. Directly referencing something someone else has said
  2. 5. The person who tells a story in a text
  3. 8. Two characters speaking alternate lines
  4. 14. How many different types of sentences are there?
  5. 15. The director of the English department
  6. 16. The event at the end of the year that determines your set for next year
  7. 18. Saying how well a writer has done something
  8. 20. The teacher that will be marking your stories
  1. 1. The start of a story
  2. 3. The section of a story that introduces characters and settings
  3. 4. The direct opposite of something else
  4. 6. A sentence with one independent clause
  5. 7. Techniques that focus on types of words
  6. 9. Techniques that focus on types of sentences
  7. 10. A line taken straight out of a text which is part of a PETA paragraph
  8. 11. A sentence with a main and subordinate clause
  9. 12. The location in which a story takes place
  10. 13. The technical name for speech
  11. 17. Saying how a writer has done something
  12. 19. A sentence that contains 2 independent clauses