Credo kids

  1. 1. Boring or uninteresting;not sharp.
  2. 5. Hangs on a wall and tells the time.
  3. 6. Type of paint used on doors and windows.
  4. 8. Tremors that come after an earthquake.
  5. 9. The employees of an office or teachers at a school are the _____.
  6. 10. You use your nose to.
  7. 12. Dogs are used to_____ for drugs.
  8. 14. Ladies wear it on their lips.
  9. 15. The person who gives orders.
  1. 1. Zero runs in cricket.
  2. 2. Wet concrete gets green.
  3. 3. A steep rock face, often along the coast.
  4. 4. Too much work or worry can cause______.
  5. 7. Not large.
  6. 9. Opposite of tight.
  7. 11. An untidy place is a big.
  8. 13. Use dental_____ to clean your teeth.
  9. 15. The annoying noise some insects make.