CRIM 108 - Chapter 17

  1. 1. A strategy combining the removal of violent gang members from a community with long-term community development. (3 words)
  2. 5. Programs that expose at-risk youth to examples of prison life and other consequences of criminal behaviour, along with testimonials from convicts. (2 words)
  3. 6. Research studies that involves long-term observation of specific variables, often across decades (for example, cohort studies).
  4. 9. Criminal activity commonly related to gangs that typically involves obtaining money through acts such as extortion, bribery, illegal gambling, and loan sharking.
  5. 10. The state of being criminal; criminal acts or practices.
  1. 2. The crime of demanding money from someone using force or threats.
  2. 3. Efforts to eliminate gangs or significantly reduce gang-related crime through a process of deterrence and incapacitation. (2 words)
  3. 4. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. (Abbreviation)
  4. 7. Group structure built around easily identified leaders and followers; in gangs, the hierarchy often determines the roles, obligations, and rewards of members.
  5. 8. A criminal organization, often highly organized and with many partnerships, involved primarily in the trafficking of illegal drugs.