Crim Law Exam 2 Chapter 5

  1. 2. The punishment should fit the crime.
  2. 6. Satisfy the "knowing" standard when they are aware that their circumstances exist, or the consequences of their actions are certain based of their conduct
  3. 7. An individual convicted solely on the commission of a criminal act
  4. 9. Those who engage in reckless behavior knowing the risks associated with it
  5. 11. A defendant is not considered guilty if a victim coincidentally died or got hurt
  6. 14. Guilty mind
  7. 15. People who act with criminal intent and pose a danger to society should be punished to discourage them from violating the law as well as others
  8. 16. It is fair to hold someone accountable who intentionally committed a crime
  9. 17. The defendant is responsible because the defendant's behavior caused the victim to act
  10. 18. Involves engaging in harmful and dangerous conduct while being unaware of a risk that a reasonable person would appreciate
  1. 1. An example of _ is an act of nature such as a tornado
  2. 3. Coincidental intervening acts limit liability where unforeseeable; responsive intervening acts limit liability where unforeseeable and abnormal =
  3. 4. Responsibility, Deterrence, Punishment
  4. 5. Meant to protect society from defective drugs
  5. 8. Most serious category of criminal intent
  6. 10. Guilty knowledge
  7. 12. Cause in fact + Legal or proximate cause =
  8. 13. Mens rea (in unison with) + Actus reus =