Crim Pro

  1. 6. In Virginia both sides have_ challenges for good cause
  2. 8. Jury verdicts must be
  3. 9. a written accusation of crime, prepared and determined by a regular grand jury from their own knowledge or observation without a bill of indictment laid before them
  4. 10. Husbands and wives may also be compelled to testify _ of each other
  5. 11. In_cases both sides are allowed3 peremptory challenges
  6. 13. husbands and wives are allowed to testify
  7. 15. In_ cases both sides are allowed 4 peremptory challenges
  8. 16. considers bills for indictment prepared by the attorney fir the CW and determines whether there is sufficient probable cause to return a true bill
  9. 17. grants a defendant in criminal proceedings the right to confront adverse witnesses
  10. 18. Virginia requires _ for felony trials
  1. 1. acts across jurisdictional lines within Virginia to investigate and return indictments
  2. 2. Virginia requires _ for misdemeanor trials
  3. 3. For a confession to be valid the Commonwealth's Attorney must show by a _ of evidence, that the waiver was knowing and voluntary
  4. 4. Investigates and makes reports on criminal activity in the community or misfeasance of governmental authority by agencies or officials
  5. 5. a written accusation of crime or a complaint for forfeiture of property or money or for imposition of a penalty, prepared and presented by a competent public official upon their oath of office
  6. 7. If the defendant is _, 9 months from the preliminary hearing
  7. 12. A spouse has a privilege against being compelled to testify as a witness
  8. 14. If the defendant is _, 5months from. the preliminary hearing