
  1. 2. external examination of the skull
  2. 5. published by darwin between 1794 and 1796
  3. 7. discourage offenders by instilling fear
  4. 8. he introduced defensible space theory
  5. 9. observable level by Gregor Mendel
  6. 10. seated in the liver
  7. 14. v
  8. 15. seated in the gall bladder
  9. 17. human behavior originated from the brain
  10. 18. swedish botanist,zoologist and physician
  11. 19. t
  12. 21. reappearance in an organism of characters
  13. 24. theory that the threat of punishment will deter people from committing crime
  14. 25. v
  15. 27. p
  16. 30. q
  17. 31. inclusion of basic security and behavioral provisions
  18. 32. p
  19. 34. d
  20. 35. i
  21. 36. primary center for skeletal growth of long bones
  22. 37. a stage of a positive stage
  1. 1. based on or in accordance with reason or logic
  2. 3. published Criminal Man
  3. 4. v
  4. 6. incorporation of security hardware
  5. 10. observe the areas surrounding their home
  6. 11. best known and most influential moral theories
  7. 12. o
  8. 13. Last name of the one who traced Martin Kallikak
  9. 14. comes from greek words physis and gnomon
  10. 16. Theory based on mixture of common logic and religious beliefs
  11. 20. s
  12. 22. an act commited or ommited in violation of law
  13. 23. po
  14. 26. ki
  15. 28. e
  16. 29. set of assumptions,propositions,or accepted facts
  17. 33. a