
  1. 2. the action is to bungle .
  2. 4. crime, people who use technology to committe crime.
  3. 6. the law, She __________ the law when she shoplift that store.
  4. 7. that person is an _________ he assault me.
  5. 10. using force to control a air crafts,ships,cars,etc..
  6. 11. be given community service, is a punishment to fit the crime helping other people.
  7. 13. get life sentence, when a person goes to jail and he or she has to stay all their life’s in jail.
  8. 14. the court, he has to take the ______ for the crime he has committed.
  9. 16. is when someone has to stay on prison for some time.
  10. 17. presses of taking things or people to or from a place secretly.
  11. 18. offender,someone who committed a crime.
  1. 1. the criminal is forger.
  2. 3. the action is to rob.
  3. 5. drive, someone who drives after drinking more than the limit of alcohol that’s legally allowed
  4. 8. out of trouble, is when some don’t want to get in trouble.
  5. 9. the ilegal act of tamina goods from a store without paying for them.
  6. 12. He ______________ to that house know is burn.
  7. 14. the criminal is trespassers.
  8. 15. penalty, Is when you are killed for the crime you have committed.