Crime and court

  1. 3. Information that you have heard but don’t know to be true.
  2. 5. The final decision of the court and judge.
  3. 6. Type of conviction that could be changed because there isn’t enough proof.
  4. 7. To decide someone is not guilty of a crime.
  5. 8. Information given about the crime or criminal.
  6. 10. A person who gives information in court.
  7. 13. A judge in a court for less serious crimes.
  1. 1. Money paid to the court.
  2. 2. A type of lawyer who works in higher and lower courts.
  3. 4. A criminal must not commit any crimes during a period of time to avoid being sent to prison.
  4. 9. The person who suffers a crime.
  5. 11. A written signed document which describes the crime.
  6. 12. Twelve people in court working with the judge.