Crime and criminals

  1. 2. A criminal who transports something illegally into another country.
  2. 3. A crime of deceiving people in order to steal money from them.
  3. 5. An act of performing cruel acts for political goals in order to inflict fear.
  4. 7. A crime of taking somebody, especially children, usually in ordered to harm them.
  5. 11. A crime of acting violently for political purpose.
  6. 12. A criminal who steals something from somebody's home.
  1. 1. A criminal who commits violent acts and causes fear.
  2. 4. An act of tricking somebody for luring out money from them.
  3. 6. An act of stealing goods from a shop.
  4. 8. A crime of killing somebody.
  5. 9. An act of taking a hostage in order to exchange him/her for money or/and other assets.
  6. 10. An act of taking goods illegally across the borders.