Crime and punishment

  1. 1. The rules a country demands its citizens follow, the breaking of which leads to punishment.
  2. 6. intentions, Having the desire to deliberately cause suffering or harm to another.
  3. 7. a form of punishment where a criminal is locked in a secure guarded building (prison) for a period of time.
  4. 10. crime, A crime committed because of prejudice views about a person or group.
  5. 12. Aim of punishment; getting the criminal back for their crimes.
  6. 14. The concept of acting out of the greater good for the most people. (eg removing a dangerous criminal from society in order to protect others).
  7. 15. The state of being without the things needed for a reasonable quality of life; can be a cause of crime.
  8. 16. Taking something without the owner’s consent.
  9. 17. Action which breaks the law; can be against the person (eg murder), against property (eg vandalism), or against the state (eg treason).
  10. 20. Aim of punishment; the threat of punishment as a way to put a person off committing crime (eg knowing they could go to prison if they steal).
  11. 21. Aim of punishment helping the criminal see how and why their behaviour was wrong, so that their mindset changes for the better.
  12. 22. Letting go of blame against a person for wrongs they have done; moving on.
  1. 2. Being addicted to/dependent on a particular substance; can be a cause of crime (eg stealing money to pay for illegal drugs).
  2. 3. A medical condition that can cause changes to a person’s behaviour; can be a cause of crime.
  3. 4. Capital punishment; the execution of a criminal which is sanctioned by the state.
  4. 5. Punishment in which physical pain is inflicted on the criminal.
  5. 8. Belief that life is sacred/special because it was created by God, or because we are each unique individuals.
  6. 9. A legal requirement within a society that is believed to be unfair; a cause of crime if a person believes they cannot follow (or must act against) a law they believe is unjust.
  7. 11. The environment a child lives in, and the instructions they receive, while they are growing up; can be a cause of crime.
  8. 13. Punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours of physical labour/work in their local community.
  9. 18. Unlawfully killing another person.
  10. 19. Reason for committing crime – wanting or desiring something or more of something.