Crime and Punishment

  1. 2. - following smb or giving them unwanted attention
  2. 5. a process of making it difficult for the justice to be done
  3. 7. - unfair treatment of smb because of their race, nationality, etc.
  4. 9. - put pressure on smb, especially physical or sexual
  5. 10. - take legal action against smb
  6. 11. - a criminal who goes to smb's land without permission
  7. 13. - a criminal who steals money from an organization that they work for
  8. 14. - make changes in a law
  9. 15. - break the law in not so harmful way
  1. 1. - smb who always obeys the law
  2. 3. - the act of making a formal statement that a public official might be guilty of a serious offence
  3. 4. - an action that is against a law or rule, or that is not what you promised or were expected to do
  4. 6. - smb who breaks the law
  5. 8. - to say that smb has done sth illegal without having proof
  6. 12. - telling lies in court when you have promised to tell the truth
  7. 14. - an official announcement that smth such as a law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists