Crime and punishment aqa

  1. 2. The rules a country demands its citizens follow, the breaking of which leads to punishment.
  2. 3. Reason for committing crime – wanting or desiring something or more of something.
  3. 5. Sense of right and wrong; guilty voice in our head; seen as the voice of God by many religious believers.
  4. 8. Aim of punishment to put a person off committing a crime by the level of punishment.
  5. 9. Action which breaks the law; can be against the person (eg murder), against property (eg vandalism), or against the state (eg treason).
  6. 10. Aim of punishment; helping the criminal see how and why their behaviour was wrong, so that their mindset changes for the better.
  7. 11. _________service order UK punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours of work which benefits the community
  8. 12. Letting go of blame against a person for wrongs they have done; moving on.
  1. 1. __________crime A crime committed because of prejudice, eg assaulting a person because they are gay or of a particular race.
  2. 4. Aim of punishment; getting the criminal back for their crimes.
  3. 5. ___________punishment Punishment in which physical pain is inflicted on the criminal; not legal in the UK.
  4. 6. _______ of Life The idea that all life is holy because God created it.
  5. 7. Death penalty; state sanctioned execution for a capital offence; not legal in UK.