Crime and punishment

  1. 2. when people break the law
  2. 4. unability to do smth
  3. 6. confirm something by evidence
  4. 9. admit
  5. 10. something that a judge brings
  6. 12. money you pay in order to get paid in any accident
  7. 15. robbery that involves breaking into someone's house
  8. 16. a decision of the judge how to punish the criminal
  9. 17. a group of people in the court
  10. 18. another word for crime but less serious
  11. 20. something that can justify you
  12. 21. agree that you're guilty
  13. 22. back part of the car
  14. 23. a building where people are judged for breaking the law
  1. 1. verbs that means to stay in prison because you had a sentence
  2. 2. say something in front of the audience
  3. 3. look strange
  4. 5. a case viewd in the court
  5. 7. something that proves somebody's guilt
  6. 8. a person who break the law
  7. 9. take measures to avoid something bad
  8. 11. situation when people have a lack of money
  9. 13. a person who bring the verdict
  10. 14. not guilty
  11. 19. verb that is used with "crime"