  1. 3. We click on this button if we don't want to send an email.
  2. 4. It's a thing we use to kill someone.
  3. 5. It's a person who saw the crime.
  4. 9. It's a tool. With this, we can kill a person or cut a three.
  5. 11. It's when we kill a person with a gun.
  6. 14. It's someone who was born in eighteen fifty nine and died in nineteen thirty.
  7. 16. It's someone who searches for the criminal.
  8. 17. It's an object we use to cook or to eliminate someone.
  1. 1. It's evidence to help when we have difficulties during a mystery.
  2. 2. It's someone who defends a criminal in justice.
  3. 3. It's a person who committed a crime.
  4. 6. They help you to hear better from a computer.
  5. 7. It's something we put to protect a computer.
  6. 8. It's a file with all our crimes.
  7. 10. It's what the madman did to the old man.
  8. 12. It's when we take something without buying.
  9. 13. It's a synonym of burglary.
  10. 15. It's when we give a virus to a computer.